In 2012, Gary Johiro, upon entering retirement, found himself at a pivotal juncture. Long driven by a profound desire to contribute to his community, he had been previously constrained by financial limitations. Retirement, however, brought newfound stability, allowing Gary and his wife, Rhoda, to finally realize their philanthropic aspirations.
After thoughtful deliberation, the Johiro family decided to support causes close to their hearts, focusing on the local community to maximize their impact. Lanakila Meals on Wheels was one of the programs chosen. Gary’s connection to Lanakila Meals on Wheels was deeply personal, inspired by heartwarming stories from a surfing buddy who volunteered for the program. These tales of friendship and the joy brought to meal recipients resonated with Gary’s values. He envisioned his donations making a difference not just in providing sustenance but in offering moments of joy and connection to those who might otherwise feel isolated.
“My wife and I wanted our donations to stay within our local community to help those in need,” Gary explained. Despite the recent loss of Mrs. Johiro, he remained steadfast in their shared mission of giving back.
“These are people are on hard times,” Gary reflected. “We’re all going to get old. I may be a beneficiary of the services someday.” His words serve as a reminder that growing old is a part of life for everyone and highlights the crucial role of community support.
Gary’s contributions have enabled Lanakila Meals on Wheels to reach countless individuals, providing not only meals but a sense of belonging and companionship. Sustaining programs like Lanakila Meals on Wheels is essential to ensuring that future generations continue to receive the care and camaraderie they need.
As we celebrate another year of impact, we extend our deepest gratitude to donors like Gary Johiro. His story exemplifies the power of community and the enduring impact of generosity. We thank Gary and all our supporters for helping us continue our mission of caring for our seniors.
Do you know a senior in need? Find out how Lanakila Meals on Wheels supports seniors here. Interested in volunteering, becoming a partner, or donor? Learn more about how to get involved here.
Lanakila Meals on Wheels is a program of Lanakila Pacific, a Hawaii-based non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to building independence and improving the quality of life for individuals with cognitive, physical, social or age-related challenges.